Thursday, 11 March 2010

New Pic


Not much happening at the mo so apologies for lack of blogs, however a new picture for you of a recent addition to my friends garden. Boy is it heavy to move about! In case your wondering it's a Ransomes' horse drawn plough from a Oxfordshire farmer originally however it has been residing in a local Church for many years only seeing the light of day on plough Sundays!

Plough Sunday History.

Plough Sunday is a traditional English celebration of the beginning of the agricultural year that has seen some revival over recent years. Plough Sunday celebrations usually involve bringing a ploughshare into a church with prayers for the blessing of the land. It is traditionally held on the Sunday after Epiphany, the Sunday between 7 January and 13 January. Accordingly, work in the fields did not begin until the day after Plough Sunday.

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